Casino Anlamı
Yeni Kelimeler flu hunter. İngilizce—Çince Basitleştirilmiş. Cambridge Dictionary Plus. We were in the casino and you thought it would be funny to eat a lot of grapes.
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İnsanlar da tercüme ediyor. Casino yapmak için cesedimi çiğnemeniz lazım. You can build a casino over my dead body. Ama casino oyuncusu olarak çok şey öğrenmen gerekiyor.
But as a casino player you have a lot to learn. Komisyonun gelecek ay casino kumarı konusunu görüşecek. Your committee is meeting next month on casino gambling. Miramar Playayı casino olması için inşa ettim ben. I built the Miramar Playa to be a casino. Otoyolda beş casino soygunu şüphelisi ile doğuya gidiyoruz. Traveling with five suspects in a casino robbery east on Highway. Casino daydık ve sen üzüm yemek eğlenceli olacak demiştin. We were in the casino and you thought it would be funny to eat a lot of grapes.
Ona casino oyununda hile yapmayı kim öğretti? Who taught her how to cheat at casino? Casino işletmek için bir lisansın yoksa. You don't have to have a license to work in a casino. Casino filmindeki James Woods karakteri gibisin.
You're like that James Woods character in Casino. Malachi ve fedailerine casino dışında bir tefecilik işi yaptırıyorsun. You got Malachi and his thugs running a loan-sharking operation out of the casino. As a way of generating funds, he proposed the establishment of a casino , tied to the hotel. Textile and metallurgical firms provided the primary source of income for the three largest taxpayers, who were followed by two casino owners.
Several new casinos and hotels were opened after the handover, and more are being planned. As a result, by the s, the casino resort was no longer a semi-legitimate institution, but was hailed as an urban saviour.
Online casinos are concerned, it would appear, that some clients are using robots against unsuspecting opponents and winning huge prizes. Nonetheless, if casino managers adopt the policy of excluding such individuals, they will save money by identifying some genuine cheaters, despite occasionally showing lucky gamblers the door too.
It does have useful material to offer on the ' casino resort' concept, but its utility to the urban historian does not extend much further than that. The casino managers would likely be unimpressed. The casino economy is all about allowing people to make money out of somebody else's money. Hansard archive. Hansard arşivinden örnek. Meclis bilgisi dahilinde meclis lisansı v3. There are daft notions of hour rules and not allowing casinos to advertise.
Casinos have a powerful atmosphere; so have racecourses; so even have amusement arcades. Örneklerdeki görüşler Cambridge Dictionary'nin editörlerinin, Cambridge University Press'in ya da lisans sağlayıcılarıın görüşlerini temsil etmez. Daha fazla örnek görmek için bir eşdizime tıklayın casino employee While in home games the player holding the dealer button deals the cards, in casino poker, a casino employee handles this responsibility. Bu örnekler Cambridge English Corpus'tan ve web'deki kaynaklardan alınmadır.
Daha fazlası için. Çince Basitleştirilmiş. Çevirmene mi ihtiyacınız var? Çevirmen aracı. Göz at cashout merger. Sözcük dağarcığınızı eğlenceli görsel quiz'lerimizle sınayın. Görsel telif bilgisi. Günün Kelimesi weathervane. Blog Clearing the air and chopping and changing Idioms and phrases in newspapers June 08, Daha Fazla Oku.
The term originally referred to a public hall for music and dancing, but by the late 19th century it had come to denote a gaming house, particularly one in which card and dice games were played. Today casinos are places where gamblers can risk their money against a common gambler called the banker or house , and they have an almost uniform character throughout the world. One of the oldest and best-known casinos is that at Monte Carlo Monaco , founded in Casinos in Havana Cuba were confiscated by the Castro government after the revolution, spelling the end of a flourishing gambling scene that rivaled Las Vegas.
Nevada has long had casino gambling, but other U. From the s casinos began appearing on American Indian reservations, which are not subject to state antigambling statutes, and casino gambling expanded vastly in the U.
In the late s Internet gambling sites permitted players to play casino games such as roulette and blackjack. Türkçe - İngilizce. Heceleme ca·si·no. Eş anlamlılar bank , betting house , big store , club , clubhouse , dance hall , dice joint , dive , gambling den , hall , honky-tonk , house , joint , monte carlo , pool hall.
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