Live European Roulette
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European Roulette - Vivo Gaming
Si buscas optar a premios gigantes, ¡tu juego de casino es la máquina de azar! Busca las máquinas de azar con Bote Diario en casino: una selección de máquinas de azar con bote acumulado o jackpot que se otorga cada día. Además del Bote Diario, existen un montón de máquinas de azar con bote progresivo que acumulan el Bote durante días o semanas llegando a cantidades estratosféricas y… ¡han dado Botes de hasta 1.
El jackpot es un bote acumulado en las máquinas de azar, que genera un premio extraordinario. El jackpot va incrementando su valor hasta premios gigantes.
Encuentra las máquinas de azar con jackpot sin dificultad. Tampoco hay problema porque en , tenemos todas las variedades de Ruleta que puedas imaginar, desde la clásica Ruleta Francesa hasta la innovadora Ruleta con Bote y por supuesto, la más popular, la Ruleta Europea. Juega a la modalidad de ruleta europea que más te guste en casino. La Ruleta en Vivo y la Ruleta con Bote no son unas ruletas típicas de casino online.
La Ruleta en Vivo consta de crupier real y la Ruleta con Bote tiene botes de hasta Y si tus favoritas son las cartas, tu juego es el blackjack. Elige la modalidad de blackjack que más te guste y diviértete en el casino jugando con dinero real. All our games are HTML5 UI compatible with most mobile and desktop platforms to further aid the seamless integration of our platform with yours.
Dynamic Chroma Key broadcasting replaces the solid color background of the live European roulette studio with a visual of your choice, allowing you to place the dealer behind any location, animation, or brand that you require. A single chroma key table will be able to promote the brands you work with across all websites you operate.
An infinite number of active players can stream our live dealer roulette games, all while choosing their preferred design, language, and dealers. All of this is supported by our back-office management tool offering full history reporting, game history visualizations, statistics tools languages, risk management, player management, and game configurations.
We offer a fully customized Live Dealer solution with local dealers and the option to utilize our dynamic Chroma Key broadcasting that replaces the slid color background of the live European roulette studio with a visual of your choice.
A single chroma key table gives you the ability to promote the brands you work with across all websites you operate. Remember that this is just one of the products and services that Vivo Gaming can offer you. We carry multiple live tables, which will allow you to add a comprehensive selection of live casino games to your brand.
In addition to live European roulette , we can also offer the American roulette variant and Auto Roulette. The latter is a fast-paced roulette game that, while live, does not need a dealer as it is fully automated. Get in touch with our team today to find out more about the live casino games available from Vivo Gaming and book a demonstration now. Live European Roulette.
Book a Demo. Native speaking dealers. Let your players follow every spin of the roulette wheel with our 4HD robotic cameras and multiview mixing. Chroma Key Broadcasting. Real-time stats and reports. A tailored experience. Flexible Live Dealer Platform. Why Choose Live European Roulette?
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